Your pets don’t need to be unwell for you to come in and see us. You are welcome to come to our surgery to weigh your pet (free of charge) or just to introduce your new pet and get a tasty treat. We supply a wide range of pet food (prescription and non-prescription), flea, intestinal and heartworm products, grooming products, leads and collars. We use the latest RxWorks software to manage your appointments, keep medical records, laboratory tests and images for your pets. Our nurses can help with pet health advise, pet insurance paperwork, nail clips, a hydro-bath, etc.
Come and meet our friendly and experienced nurses or call us on 07 3204 7011.
All our veterinarians are highly experienced and have been practicing for many years. We take time to listen to you, offer you the best treatments for your pet and a range of options or referrals when required. We provide health checks, vaccinations, microchipping, nutritional advice, parasite control and many other services for your pets. We offer a free dental check-up by appointment. We can offer estimates for surgical and dental procedures, which allows clients to budget finances prior to booking in.
We have a wide range of medications in stock to provide prompt and targeted treatment for your pet. For owners on budget, we offer the option of generic brand medication. For some specialised medication we can have these specifically made through an external compounding pharmacy.
Radiographs (X-Rays)
Radiography is one of the most used diagnostic tools in veterinary medicine. It provides a large amount of information to our veterinarians by non-invasive and economical means. We a digital x-ray, which allows for immediate viewing and assessment by a veterinarian. We also have a close relationship with neighbouring specialist centres which can help us with our more difficult cases.
Clinical Pathology
We have the latest IDEXX in-house blood machine that can provide haematology and biochemistry results within minutes. We offer preanesthetic blood test at reduced price, full health screening, progesterone test, phenobarbitone assay, thyroid and electrolyte screening, single or multiple organ blood screening. For more specialized testing these are sent to an external laboratory and results provided within 12-24 hour. In-house cytology can be performed to gain a diagnosis on majority of lumps. However, we do offer histopathology via the external lab, results can take 2-7 days.
Equipped with an IM3 dental unit and dental radiography we can perform a complete dental prophy. All dentistry is performed under general anaesthesia. Dr Kate has a specialist interest in dentistry and likes to take on the more difficult cases. We perform endodontic procedures (root canal, vital pulpotomy) in certain circumstances, in order prevent extraction.
Please call our reception to book a free dental check up and get an estimate.
Soft Tissue Surgery
All our veterinarians are experienced in soft tissue surgery. We perform procedures such as castrations, spays, exploratory laparotomies, caesarean sections, lump removals, biopsies, stitching up wounds, removal of foreign bodies in the stomach and intestines etc.
Orthopaedic Surgery
The Tibial Plateau Levelling Osteotomy (TPLO) is performed in-house, by Dr Ben who is our local travelling specialist.
Surgical Admission Protocol
We appreciate that surgery for your pet can be an anxious and stressful experience for both of you. All of us are pet owners ourselves and share your concerns. Therefore, we have created protocols that ensure that your pet’s surgical procedure is as comfortable and as stress-free as possible. Your pet is in good hands. Veterinary surgery is just as advanced as human surgery.
The day before surgery:
You’ll receive an SMS reminder the day before surgery to confirm your appointment. Please reply to the SMS. If you have any questions or concerns, please call us.
No food is to be given after 7pm the evening before surgery and no breakfast at all on the day of the surgery. An empty stomach is critical for a safe anaesthesia.
Bath your dog as they won’t be able to get stitches wet for 10 days after surgery, and it also assists with surgical sterility in theatre.
Please ensure cats are kept indoors overnight (with a litter tray) to prevent them from getting access to food outside.
The morning of the surgery:
Water should be removed in the morning on the day of the surgery.
If your pet is taking medication, give the normal dosage at the usual time unless otherwise advised by your veterinarian. If your pet is a diabetic, please ask your veterinarian for special instructions.
Allow your pet time to empty their bowels and bladder before being admitted for surgery.
Every patient that is admitted to hospital will have a nurse dedicated to their care.
If your pet seems unwell, please inform us at the time of admission.
Surgical patients are admitted to the practice between 8:00am and 9:30am on the day of the surgery. Please allow 15 minutes for the admission procedure when you arrive.
Your admission appointment will be with a nurse or veterinarian, at which time they will go through the procedure with you, and you will sign the surgical admission consent form.
During admission, the veterinarian or nurse will talk to you about pre-anaesthetic blood testing. To ensure your pet can properly process and eliminate an anaesthetic, we run tests to confirm that your pet’s liver and kidneys are functioning properly and to find hidden health conditions that could put your pet at risk. This is always recommended, regardless of an animal’s age, but especially so for pets over 7 years of age.
Be sure to leave a contact phone number where you can be reached during the day so we can give you a call when your pet is out of recovery and to confirm the discharge appointment.
Your pet’s nurse will be in contact with you to give you an update on the surgical procedure performed and arrange a discharge appointment to go through any aftercare required. Each patient is sent home with written post operative instructions, which would include the names of your pet’s surgeon and assisting surgical nurse. Please call us any time if you have any additional questions or worries.
Our services include: Hydrobath, nail clip, anal gland expression and ear cleaning. We also provide a basic dog and cat clip under sedation.
If we haven’t seen your dog or cat before, your pet will require a veterinary check-up prior to the sedation/anaesthetic.
When your cat is under sedation, we will perform a ‘lion clip’, leaving your cat with fur on the tail, head and lower legs or you can ask for “a channel clip” (belly and armpits).
When you drop off your pet for the clip under sedation, take time and talk to the nurse at the time of admission and let them know exactly what you need.
Please remember we are not the professional groomers. We are here to help you clip your pet under sedation because professional groomers had trouble doing them awake.